Map Explorer

Where on the Mall would you like to explore today?

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The Master Map.

Map Legend Explanation


MAJOR TOUR STOPS: These are the 12 most visited sights on the mall.


ADDITIONAL STOPS: There are over 150 additional memorials, plaques, and buildings you are free to explore!


MUSEUMS: There are over 35 FREE museums just on the mall serving as educational tools and as refuges from the elements.


FOOD: This symbol shows specific places on the mall to eat. Google also shows you many restaurants to eat at North of the National Mall.


ACCESSIBILITY TIPS: Such as ramps, or elevators for anyone using wheelchairs, strollers, or has trouble with stairs.


RESTROOMS: On the national mall bathrooms and water (fountains always nearby) can be elusive.


GIFT SHOPS: Also known as refuge from the elements in summer and winter.